The service portfolio of the Institute for Innovation & Improvement GmbH & Co. KG captures:

↗ Conception & Development of innovation solutions, methods and tools for the purpose of digitisation, process automation and continuous performance improvement for enterprises and educational institutions

↗ Research & Development in terms of future-oriented innovation media such as augmented reality (AR), digital speech control, application of artificial intelligence (AI) and serious gaming in DAILY business

↗ Technical development & maintenance of cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) systems, like the knowledge sharing and execution platform emilQ® DAILY

↗ Promotion of knowledge exchange between experts, research & education and enterprises with focus on business excellence <> best practice

↗ Placement of experts from all disciplines and branches

↗ Publishing house for digital-functional knowledge and learning bundles (MOXIEs), professional articles and literature (digital and print)